Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Week(s) in TV: Playing Catch-Up

I ended up with a multi-week backlog of "Week in TV" posts, so I decided to just sort of disassemble them and scatter the pieces across different show-specific posts. I always want to write about Parks & Rec because it's so terribly excellent, but comments on comedies can so often turn into a laundry list of what was funny (especially with an episode like "Ron and Tammy, Part II"). So from the past couple of weeks I'll just observe that, among other things, I love: Jerry's little nod after Ben's comment about "gay thoughts" in the above clip, Shauna Malway-Tweep's enduring patience with Leslie's enthusiasm for headline brainstorming (although I don't think anything will ever top "Gazebo? More like Ga-zoinks-bo!"), and any situation that ends with Ron carrying Tom in his arms.

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