Friday, October 18, 2013

Idle Thoughts*

This is, I suppose, a lingering question from the increasingly notorious October third - does the cultishness of Mean Girls fandom obscure Tina Fey's role as author and creator? What is the function of authorship in communities where quotations of the text become a shibboleth of fandom (another example would be Arrested Development)?

*Sometimes I think I should try to come up with jazzier names for my different categories of posts. There is something so bland to me about all the titles that seem to end with "thoughts." 

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Idle Thoughts

Someone somewhere on the internet must have done a mashup of the "I'm here because I was in the comic book" scene from Josie and the Pussycats with miscellaneous characters from The Walking Dead, right?

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Idle Fall Movie Thoughts

I feel like you could write a whole thesis just about the roles these three actors have played in the last ten years. I also feel like I've been anticipating this movie since it was announced and that I'm going to go crazy before I get to see it in the theater.

The prospect of Steve McQueen in the Oscar race is just joyous to anticipate. He doesn't suffer fools, and basically stops just short of saying, "That was a stupid question you just asked," to interviewers who aren't on top of their game. My favorite example from the 2011 awards season, where he calls out the whole room:

Mood Music LXXII

The post count over the last eighteen months or so is a terrible bummer to me. I'm issuing a challenge to myself to start valuing my opinion more and to return to posting at least semi-frequently.