Thursday, February 19, 2009

Miscellaneous Thoughts

I have a bit to say about a few things, when I wish I had a lot to say about one specific thing. I suppose they can't all be treatises.

- I can see how this song wouldn't have fit on Hot Fuss or Sam's Town, but it is almost certainly too good to be a B-side/remainder:

- Looming end dates have made Lost, Battlestar Galactica and ER all fairly awesome this season, with returning classic characters on the latter and massive explications of mythology on the two former. Without the specter of Nielsen ratings looming overhead, their only incentive is to please viewers and go out with a bang. How novel.

- I can't say I really see the BFD in this new New Moon logo. You know what would really be newsworthy? An actual cast list instead of the asinine rumor-mongering that's been going on for months. Summit needs to stop jerking the fans around and just get down to the business of actually making the movie.

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