Friday, July 08, 2011

Dream Emmy Ballot 2011: Lead Actress in a Miniseries or Movie

Hayley Atwell - "Freya Deverell", Any Human Heart
Keeley Hawes - "Lady Agnes Holland", Upstairs, Downstairs
Diane Lane - "Pat Loud", Cinema Verite
Jean Marsh - "Rose Buck", Upstairs, Downstairs
Kate Winslet - "Mildred Pierce", Mildred Pierce

Atwell seems to be establishing herself as the new master of the twentieth-century British period piece - she's the kind of actress where it doesn't ring false when other characters describe hers as magnetic. Hawes gave her lady-of-the-house just the right amount of snappy snarkiness. Lane's performance as Pat Loud made her seem like such a force of nature that when Cinema Verite ended I immediately wanted to search my local library websites for Loud's memoir. Marsh, in the rare position within the miniseries/movie categories of already holding an Emmy for playing her character, anchored Upstairs, Downstairs by tying it to the past while also keeping its flights of nostalgia from feeling twee. Winslet carried Mildred Pierce by making the protagonist always feel painfully human across all the emotional highs and lows of her travails.

Honorable Mention: Elizabeth McGovern, Downton Abbey

I wouldn't be surprised to see: Kate Fleetwood, Macbeth; Jennifer Love Hewitt, The Client List; Katie Holmes, The Kennedys; Hayden Panettiere, Amanda Knox: Murder on Trial in Italy

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