Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Dream Emmy Ballot 2010: Supporting Actress in a Drama

Let's see if I can't get this all wrapped up before the nominations are announced on Thursday...

Khandi Alexander, "LaDonna Batiste-Williams," Treme
Christina Hendricks, "Joan Harris," Mad Men
S. Epatha Merkerson, "Lt. Anita Van Buren," Law and Order
Alessandra Torresani, "Zoe Graystone," Caprica
Chandra Wilson, "Dr. Miranda Bailey," Grey's Anatomy
Deborah Ann Woll, "Jessica Hamby," True Blood

Alexander's performance made me want to adopt LaDonna as a Fictional Role Model - steely without being hard, simultaneously emotional and reserved, cutting down those who crossed her with just an arch of an eyebrow. The walls crashed down around Joan's image of how she wanted her life to be last season on Mad Men, and Hendricks made the audience feel every emotional blow even as she attempted to keep up appearances. If the Emmy voters elect to recognize Law and Order in its final season, I hope that it's in putting support behind Merkerson, who anchored the show's swan song with Van Buren's cancer storyline. Torresani is beyond long-shot territory as far as actual nominations go, but she is deserving of acclaim for the largely silent but extremely expressive work she does as a girl trapped within a robot's body - the quality of her acting rescues what could have been a gimmicky conceit within the show. Wilson has been excellent throughout the entire run of Grey's, but was a standout this season, particularly for her work in the season finale. As a newly-turned vampire (who remains a hyper-emotive teenaged girl), Woll brought a vibrant presence to True Blood that kept the show balanced between somberness and levity.

Honorable Mentions: Ginnifer Goodwin, Chloe Sevigny, Big Love; Paula Malcomson, Caprica; Rose Byrne, Damages; Jurnee Smollett, Aimee Teegarden, Friday Night Lights; Sandra Oh, Grey's Anatomy; Emilie DeRavin, Yunjin Kim, Lost; Elisabeth Moss, Mad Men; Mae Whitman, Parenthood; Amy Brenneman, Private Practice; Kim Dickens, Treme; Michelle Forbes, Rutina Wesley, True Blood

I wouldn't be surprised to see: Julie Benz, Jennifer Carpenter, Dexter; Archie Panjabi, The Good Wife; Lisa Edelstein, House

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