Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Mood Music

You know how there's, like, a specific time of the semester that is designated as "Midterm"? And then sometimes your own personal Midterm is not at the same time as Official Midterm, and it seems like you and only you are swamped with work? Monday was like that for me.  I'm only now starting to feel non-zombie-like after a serious nap this evening.  

When I was flagging over the weekend, I listened a lot to the Girl Talk album "Feed the Animals." It's like pure energy in music form.  As someone who listens to a lot of music, but not in a musician/technician sense, I'm in awe of the ability to pick and pair hooks in mashups like this.  The corresponding mash-up fan videos that go with the songs visually display the complexity of each track.

My favorite from "Feed the Animals," "In Step" - I love the juxtaposition of "Push It" and "Lithium"

And "Overtime" from "Night Ripper" - the use of Fleetwood Mac is kind of mind blowing.

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