Thursday, March 01, 2012

Random Movie Love

It's probably an indicator that I'm a bigger nerd than I should publicly admit to being that I even have a favorite studio logo, but: it's Universal, and they've revamped for their centennial!

I think Universal is my favorite because, to me, it works in all its different variations. (As opposed to, say, MGM, which I also love but I'm not wild about some of those lions. Like I said, super-nerd.) I love the old logo with the little plane so much - I flipped out the first time I saw it play before a movie. (I think it was the 1936 Show Boat, but I'm not positive.) It's interesting to feel while watching that retrospective that there are specific works I associate with different iterations of the logo, I guess based on what I watched most in the past. For me, the 80s logo goes with The Breakfast Club, the 90s with Beethoven (I know), the last before this new one with Battlestar Galactica (for whatever reason, it plays before every episode on the DVDs, as opposed to one play per disc). 

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