Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A Semi-Idle (But Still On-Topic) Observation on Music

I was watching this week's episode of Chuck, where they used the original version of this song, and I realized when I started unthinkingly singing along that I've officially seen Boogie Nights enough times to have learned it.

I cannot help but laugh at the terrible, terrible singing and John C. Reilly bopping along manically in the background.  This is even related to the current theme, since the music on Chuck is supervised by Alexandra Patsavas, who is also the music supervisor for Twilight.  Here, she talks about the music for Chuck:

Now, initially I was unsure if the obsession would extend to the soundtrack, I was waiting to see the tracklist.  But when I heard that Patsavas was in charge, I knew it was an automatic pre-order.  Her work on shows like The O.C. and Grey's Anatomy have resulted, for me, in untold numbers of "What is that song? I must find out what it is, who sings it and how I can own it RIGHT NOW" moments.  Taking on the Twilight soundtrack is no small feat, due to Stephenie Meyer's book playlists, but the track listing shows a balance between new or different songs and some from Meyer's favorites.  Patsavas truly has a way with pairing music and other media - I'm looking forward to getting the soundtrack next week and hearing it in the film.

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