Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Further Thoughts on Television

I moved to a new apartment a few months ago, and had to put my couch in storage, which left me with a few errant pillows with no real place to put them. As I drifted aimlessly around my apartment, looking for a place for my pointless pillow, I suddenly thought, "Steven Moffat was right."

While I clearly like to think and talk a lot about television, that kind of specific writer-associated thought is not something that happens to me a lot. That the same person wrote this and "Blink" seems like as good an argument as any that he should be better known over here. (In all fairness to the academy, I should have noted in my previous post that unlike his terribly deserving actors, Moffat did get an Emmy nomination for writing the first Sherlock episode. Maybe the breakthrough is imminent. Maybe the second series will be so impossible-to-ignore awesome and/or The Hobbit will raise the actors' profiles enough that the show will be showered with laurels next year. We'll see.)

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