Saturday, January 01, 2011

On Writing and the New Year

Since it's resolution-setting time, I thought I'd lay down some thoughts about what I'd like to do here in the coming year. I'm not big on the New Year's resolution as hard-and-fast goalpost, but more like a guideline for where I'd like to go. So, with all attendant wiggle room and heaps of forgiveness, goals for Accounting for Everything for 2011:

1) More posting: I never want to feel like I'm forcing myself to write posts, but I would like to make more frequent use of this outlet as a place where I can channel all my various pop-culture musings. Looking back over the past couple of years, I'd like to have a more even distribution of posts throughout the year and take advantage of the time I have available to write to fill the gaps of the time I don't. The conservative goal is to have 120 posts on the year, ambitious is to have 150.

2) Completing and continuing series: Nothing sticks in my craw more than the assorted series of posts that I've left unfinished in the past couple of years. It may be far past timely, but I really want to finish up the Best of the 00s, and the set of posts on my favorite book-to-movie adaptations, and I'd like to return to talking about movie musicals. I'm looking forward to continuing the monthly posts on movies, and the Week in TV should pick back up in the next couple of weeks - I expect I'll have a lot to say about the final season of Big Love, if nothing else.

3) More academic discussion: When I started writing the Books Read posts a couple of years ago, I decided to focus it predominantly on my recreational reading; the life of a graduate student in the humanities is one of endless discussion of one's reading, but I do still love to read all manner of things when I have the time to do so. But now I'm done with classes, and while I still like to keep this space somewhat separate from my other work, I think it will probably be helpful to see this as another place where I can think "aloud." Plus, being interested in popular culture and media means that a fair amount of my reading falls into somewhat of a liminal space of being germane to my interests but not strictly academic, which deserves at least a modicum of attention and time.

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