Tuesday, July 07, 2009

The Search for Delicious

Today's A.V. Club Inventory on discontinued foods reminded me of a few I haven't thought about in a while - I definitely went through a Surge phase in late elementary school. Junky 90s food nostalgia also brought up:

- Reese's Crunchy Cookie Cups - Reese's cups with a layer of chocolate cookie at the bottom - for a few years this was the number-one hoarded candy among my Halloween haul.

- Crispy M&Ms - My favorite movie candy - the crispiness added a perfect texture. I'm currently debating whether it's worth ordering a bunch from Thailand (where they're apparently still sold) on eBay.

- BBQ Doritos - I don't remember much about these (they had a specific name that I'm completely blanking on now, the kind where I would always lay out very clearly for my parents the exact kind that I wanted), only that they were sweet, sweet heaven and the best Doritos I've ever had.

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