Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Where No Man Has Gone Before

I wish I could say I was resourceful/intrepid/obsessed/awesome enough to have found this fab retro 70s-tastic Star Trek convention slideshow myself, but I wasn't. Liz pointed me to it. I just thought it was so rad that I had to give it a post here. It combines two of my most favorite things: pop culture phenomena and candid photographs from the seventies. I also got to file something under "learn something new every day" - the earliest Trek conventions were dominated by women, making things like this "What's in Star Trek for Girls?" piece on MTV seem especially insulting. Their answer: hot guys, which, true, but the actual answer is: awesomeness, which everyone loves, regardless of gender. No need to be reductive, MTV. Women made Star Trek the phenomenon it is today.

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