Someday, I'd like to think that I'll get my thoughts together enough to offer opinions on some, if not all, of these movies. I liked a lot of them, and enjoyed some quite a bit. The crop of films nominated for Best Picture at this year's Oscars were pretty uniformly excellent. The new animated movies were a joy to watch, and reminded me of how it used to feel to see that kind of movie fresh in the theater. Then there's the ongoing (currently stalled out) trip through the Scorsese filmography, finally watching movies that have hovered on my list for over five years, gaining a newfound appreciation of Robert Altman and James Brooks, why I prefer Katharine Hepburn with Cary Grant over Spencer Tracy, man vs. myth in the biopic, knowing what's going to happen in a twenty-five-year-old movie and crying at the end anyway (Terms of Endearment and Steel Magnolias), etc., etc., etc.
Moving and other work meant that the last few months got away from me, and I know if I don't start fresh with April then the whole thing will just turn into this insane snowballing mass of half-written posts. So, a multi-month aggregate, presented without commentary but not excluding the possibility of adding it in the future: