Thursday, July 10, 2008


I'm not doing very well with this.

I may need to take a break and re-boot this whole thing.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008


I feel like I have lots to write about, but insufficient words and thoughts to form really well-reasoned, thoughtful posts. I just started writing in a rambling way about Disney and pledges of abstinence and got lost somewhere in the middle. I'm kind of obsessed with Twilight right now, but I don't want to be really crazy about it. I have musical stuff, I guess, continuing in that whole vein. I just think sometimes that it gets to a certain place and just falls flat. I mean, if I'm writing for writing's sake, it should be decent, right?


Tuesday, July 08, 2008

A New Project

I decided recently that I'd like to post at least once a day for a month. I was aiming for all of July, but that ship has clearly sailed. I think that maybe by putting this up and clearly stating my intentions, I will get the ball rolling on that. I'd like to think that I'm creative enough to come up with 30 days' worth of thoughts and observations, though there's a definite element of self-absorption in the whole thing. I'd also like to think that forcing myself to write is good practice for my chosen career path, where I will someday have to prove myself through writing about my ideas (and thoughts and observations.) I guess we'll see.